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Submit a Book Review

Thank you for your interest in completing a book review for LeaderNetwork.org’s Focus on Leadership.  This resource for our web visitors has two parameters. 1. LeaderNetwork.org will only promote books that benefit leaders. Therefore, please select a book to review that would be a valuable read for aspiring or current leaders. 2. The LeaderNetwork.org mission is to promote positive leadership; therefore, we will only post positive reviews of books. We do not have any interest in dedicating space on the website to less-than-flattering reviews.

Please note: by submitting your book review to LeaderNetwork.org, you verify that the content of the review is your own. Also, you are granting LeaderNetwork.org permission to publish your review, including any edits we deem appropriate. Due to the variety and volume of book reviews that are received, LeaderNetwork.org does not guarantee that all book reviews will be posted. To check on the status of your review, email feedback@leadernetwork.org.

Fill in the fields below. Then, click the submit button to send in your review.

Name of the book you recommend for leaders:

Author of the book:

Summary of the book:

Your name:

About the reviewer (provide any biographical information about yourself that you would like us to include along with your review of the book):

Your contact information (email address and/or phone number):

About the Focus on Leadership Book Review: the Leader Network's book review feature introduces leaders to worthwhile leadership reading selections.